Psychology Department

Past Student Theses


Baker, Nirvana
Sexism, explicit biases, and empathy for various gendered sex disorders   
Advisor: Leia Harper

Barone, Sophronia Neff
As if the sun went round the earth : a systematic review of empirical evidence concerning perceptual richness             
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Cao, Anan
Own- and Cross-Price Demand Elasticity with Specific and Generalized Conditioned Reinforcers in a Token Economy with Pigeons
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Egermeier, E. F. (Emery Felise)   
"No trans fats" : providers' anti-black and anti-fat biases are barriers to medical gender transition         Advisor: Leia Harper

Greenwald, Jax
Love at first fight : examining links between attachment security and mindset beliefs                  Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Hakomori, Kai
Hot and bothered : affect and intrinsic motivation as predictors of pro-environmental behavior  Gregory Guichard Jensen

Hill, Anthony
Racism and sleep : an interrelated recovery process 
Advisor: Leia Harper

Kang, Andrew L.
The Barycentric Method of a Rat's World
Advisor: Gregory Guichard Jensen

Kim, Maxim
Academic self-efficacy as a predictor of belonging for students of marginalized identities     
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Krishnamurthy, Rishi 
Overt attention and cognitive ability explain climate graph interpretation   
Advisor: Kevin Holmes

Li, Charlotte
Unconscious effect of Chinese classifier during object categorization       
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Li, Christina Xue  
"We were cannon fodder" : black and Latine nurses' cardiovascular health moderated by coping during Covid-19                   
Advisor: Leia Harper

Moffitt, Joanna Milwako
Examining the Relationship Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Black and White Students
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Queen, Monique L.
Showing Up and Showing Out: Predictors of Black Lives Matter Protest Endorsement and Protest Behavior in Portland, OR
Advisor: Glenn Baker


2022    Spatial attention control mechanism modulated by subliminal stimuli : an electroencephalography study           Liu, Abigail      Michael Pitts.

2022    Examining the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in black and white students          Moffitt, Joanna Miwako            Jennifer Henderlong Corpus.

2022    Showing up and showing out : predictors of Black Lives Matter protest endorsement and protest behavior in Portland, OR       Queen, Monique L.      Samuel Glenn Baker.

2022    How linguistic framing shapes anti-fat bias : the role of pragmatic reasoning         Rook, Ella Demille       Kevin Holmes.

2022    The aesthetics of mathematics : intuitions about the beauty and sublimity in abstract ideas         Wang, Jinduo  Kevin Holmes.


Baker, Raines
COVID-19 and Resilience in a Sample of Yoga Practitioners
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Davis, Lili Behumi
Cops Just Doing Their Jobs: Victim Framing of Media Representations of Police Violence
Advisor: Kevin Holmes

Hayworth, Kyla
Maternal Cocaine Addiction and The Effect on Parenting Behavior
Advisor: Crystal Carr

Lei, Christy
Labeling emotions in a native and foreign language: An ERP study on emotion regulation in bilinguals via affect labeling
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez


Corea, Daniela
Emotional Awareness and Emotional Tone: Temperamental Weather
Advisor: Greg Jensen

Johnson, Max Shalk
Nancy Glu and The Mystery of The LHb: The Role of Glutamatergic Signaling in the Lateral Habenula and Alcohol Consumption
Advisor: Paul Currie

Mathieux, Adrien
The Effects of Distinction and Color Congruence on Incidental Memory
Advisor: Vasiliy Safin

Scherfling, Nell
The Double-Edged Sword: Mindset, Goals, and Feedback Recipience in a Narrative Feedback System
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus


Bastacky, Joshua
Addiction is not a disease & dopamine is not pleasure : a story of stress & reward
Advisor: Paul Currie 

DeFor, Marshall
Why (don't) we talk about race : exploring the relationship between academic social norms and faculty members' perceptions of conducting race talk in the college classroom
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson 

Dunn, David P.
Central ghrelin 1a and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor activation modulates d-amphetamine conditioned place preference
Advisor: Paul Currie

Engel, Liv
Estrogen receptor α and ß modulation of ethanol withdrawal-induced anxiety in female rats
Advisor: Paul Currie

Fox, Estella
Intentions to use alcohol after alcohol prevention participation : impacts of race and ethnicity
Advisor: Kristen Anderson 

Glass, James
Using token economies to assess demand and preference for specific and generalized reinforcers in pigeons Advisor: Timothy Hackenberg

Gutowsky, Katelyn
Impact of social enrichment on a valproic acid model of autism spectrum disorder
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg 

Harris, Alexa
The effects of microaggressions on predictors of academic success
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson

Hendry, Camille
EEG differences between perceiving speech versus noise in physically identical sine-wave speech stimuli
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Hough, Aoife
Synesthesia, visual search, and the N2pc : an ERP study
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Kelly, Linnea
Out in left field : a mixed methods approach to understanding the experience of LGBTQ+ women in sports
Advisor: Kristen Anderson

Kyroudis, Andrew
Neural activity linked with visual awareness and task-relevance in a novel 2x2 design
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Lutsyshyna, Lydia Antonivna
An interdisciplinary approach to psychedelic therapy
Advisor: Timothy Hackenberg

Marsico, Nicholas A.
Effects of advertising on (simultaneous) alcohol and cannabis use decision-making in a social scenario simulation Advisor: Kristen Anderson

Martinez-Picazo, Paloma
Self-efficacy and the regulation of motivation
Advisor: Jennifer Corpus

Meredith, Melanie
Synesthesia and sensory substitution
Advisor: Enriqueta Cansceco-Gonzalez

Mery, Katerina Rain
Right before your eyes : individual differences in visual noticing
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Naveed, Tehniyat
Academic self-handicapping and its correlates in early adolescence
Advisor: Jennifer Corpus

Pearson, Anders
No light : a comparative study of first-time and experienced float tank users
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg 

Rein-Jungwirth, Arek
Microbiome, metabolism, and memory consolidation : circadian variables in social transmission of food preferences Advisor: Paul Currie

Schwartz, Kara
Ask them if they're single : ERP responses to the singular "they" paired with human and object antecedents
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Spires, Olivia Carole
Effect of perspective-taking on implicit and explicit bias towards exotic dancers
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson

Tibbetts, Logan
Effects of the dopamine receptor D₂ antagonist raclopride on operant variability
Advisor: Allen Neuringer 

Wadhwa, Nikhil
Shapes and sounds : a behavioral investigation of crossmodal correspondences between musical chords and geometric forms
Advisor: Igor Bascandziev

Willson, Jessie
Mindfulness, consent, gender identity, and sexual orientation : health education in elementary school
Advisor: Jennifer Corpus

Wilson, Rane
A cross-age, culture, and training comparison of the emotional categorization of musical chords and intervals Advisor: Igor Bascandziev 


Aragón, Karina
Selective trust in print : how do children think about authorship?
Advisor: Igor Bascandziev

Biesanz, Cody
The role of cognitive reflection in conceptual development
Advisor: Igor Bascandziev

Buttrill, Sidney
Student and faculty values of classroom dynamics in higher education
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson

Cairati, Rachael
Stereotypes v. legal definitions in cases of sexual and physical assult
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Dickinson, Matthew
Effects of hippocampal ghrelin and cannabinoids on learning
Advisor: Paul Currie

Garland, Katherine
Social enrichment effect on demand and preference for certain and uncertain rewards
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Ge, Xiyao
The role of reputation and suspicion in children's decision making
Advisor: Igor Bascandziev

Goldstein, Clio
I think you think : perceived entity theory, gender, and undergraduates' sense of school belonging across academic majors
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson

Hammerslough, Shira
Social media alcohol advertising and college drinking
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Harvey, Sophie
Gamifying the delay discounting task : the effects of gamification on impulsivity and enjoyment
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Holland, James|
CaMKII in LTP : more than just a catalyst
Advisor: Paul Currie

Howell, Erin
GLP-1 receptor activation in the lateral hypothalamus reduces food and ethanol consumption
Advisor: Paul Currie

Jaime, Gabrielle
Deranged neurobiology & gut microbiome ecology mediate the paradoxical effects of weight gain and energy homeostasis upon non-nutritive sweetener consumption
Advisor: Paul Currie

Kahn, Nicole
Collicular hyperstimulation disrupts control of attention and impulsivity : a novel model of ADHD
Advisor: Timothy Hackenberg

Kaufman, Savannah
Visualization ability and autobiographical memory
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Krebs, Lindsay
Who did it again? : linguistic relativity and eyewitness memory in English speakers, Spanish speakers, and bilinguals
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Krenik, Destine
The effects of maternal care on glucocorticoid receptor expression in the mouthbrooding chichlid a. Burtoni
Advisor: Suzy Renn 

Kreth, Veda
For whom is androgyny relevant?
Advisor: Kris Anderson 

MacCalman, Emily
An investigation of the link between specific phobias and substance use behaviors
Advisor: Kris Anderson

MacCalman, Michelle
Perceptions of gender and behavioral willingness in a social context simulation
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Marsh, Kendra
No new matches : understanding self-presentation and meta-accuracy in dating application content
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson

Murphy, Robert
The synergistic influence of bias awareness and implicit theories of prejudice on racial prejudice
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson

Ortego, Kevin
Is the chicken ready to eat? : electrophysiological signatures of ambiguity in the brain
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Pearlman, Sarah
The influence of gang affiliation and race of the defendant on juror decision making
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Schulingkamp, Rachel
No new friends? : an economic analysis comparing the value of familiar and unfamiliar interactions in rats
Advisor: Jonathan Rork & Tim Hackenberg

Sky-Johnson, Clarise
The effects of an incremental theory intervention on algebra students' motivation and performance in mathematics
Advisor: Igor Bascandziev

Solis, Delenn
An investigation into local/global processing in grapheme-color synesthetes
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Spear, Genevieve
The effects of lighting design on mood, attention, and stress
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Steele, Theresa
Adam and EVN : understanding the cellular basis of sexual dimorphism in the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis
Advisor: Erik Zornik 

Tripier, Juliette
You can't see me : searching for evidence of unconscious semantic processing in an inattentional blindness paradigm
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Yang, Tianfang
Build a bridge, not a wall : how moral reframing facilitates perspective-talking in political communication
Advisor: Kathryn Oleson


Abtahi, Shayan
Accumbal Ghrelin and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Modulation of Ethanol Reward and Ingestive Behavior in Female Rats
Advisor: Paul Currie

Alexander, Jordan
Self-Esteem and Drink Refusal Self-Efficacy in an Adolescent Prevention Context
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Basu, Kavya
Unraveling the Neutral Correlates of Consciousness During the Processing of Words
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Dirks, Aaron
Integration of Amygdalar Urocortin 1 and Endocannabinoid Signaling on the Modulation of Ethanol Reinstatement and Preference
Advisor: Paul Currie

Erwin, Cecelia
Fixed Time Schedules Produce Equivalent Consumption of Ethanol and Sucrose Reinforcement in Freely Feeding Rats
Advisor: Paul Currie

Feinstein, Marc
Meditating on Impulsivity: An Attempt to use Mindfulness to Influence Rate of Delay Discounting
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg & Ana Franceschini

Feldhaus, Isabella
The Effects of Storybrook-Embedded Linguistic Cues on Helping Behavior, Intentions, and Cognitions of Preschool-aged Children
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Good, Kayla
The Effect of Praise Type and Linguistic Cues on Parents' Perceptions of Traits and Behaviors Associated with Achievement
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Hall, Thalia
The Effects of Cannabis on Eyewitness Memory: Face Memory and Recognition
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Hansson, Jocelyn
Variability Reinforcement and Learning in a Computer Game Context
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Heinz, Daniel
The phosphorylation dependency of effects of morphine pre-treatment on mu-opioid receptor sensitivity
Advisor: Erik Zornik

Huang, Jasmine
Classical conditioning without awareness: An electrophysiological investigation
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg & Michael Pitts

Israel, Laura
Creating a Video Game Simulation of Alcohol and Marijuana Use: Pilot Study
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Jimenez-Wieneke, Alexandar
Neural Correlates of Expected and Unexpected Perceptual Transitions of a Bistable Figure
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Knoepfler, Aliana
Eyewitness Lineup Identifications: The Impact of Suspect Stereotypicality, Crime Type, and Victim Race
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Koukoutchos, Corbin
No N400 in the absence of awareness: an inattentional blindness study
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Lanzalotta, Jaroth
Instilling a generalized resistance to persuasion
Advisor: Kateryna Sylaska

Li, Danting
Maximizers Versus Satisficers: Decision-making styles, Sense of Control and Vulnerability to Sunk-cost Fallacy
Advisor: Dan Reisberg & Yan Lau

Porkar-Aghdam, Shirin
An Experimental Analysis of Pigeons' Demand for Food and Water in a Token Economy
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Rouda, Rebecca
Prediction of collegiate engagement with alcohol via self-handicapping, drinking motives, and academic pressure
Advisor: Kristen Anderson

Sutherland, Nicolette
Cross-modal Perceptual Learning: A Novel Shape Tasting Method for Sensory Discrimination of Wine
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez & Michael Pitts

VanderJagt, Hayley
A History of Binge-Like and Daily Cocaine Exposure Increases Consumption of Highly Palatable Food
Advisor: Paul Currie

Ward, Nathan
Considering the Who and Why of Opponent Selection: Goal Orientation, Competitiveness, and Social Comparison in a Competitive Gaming Community
Advisor: Kateryna Sylaska

Wolcott, Gabrielle
Risk and Resilience: The Four Sources of Self-Efficacy
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Zimmer, Nicholas
How does Imitation Promote Pro-Sociality? The Effects of Contingency and Similarity on Pro-Social Behavior using Natural and Artificial Stimuli
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg & Carol Franceschini


Appelbaum, Madeline
Academic Motivation in Undergraduates: A Person-Centered, Mixed-Methods Analysis
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Badger, Jacob
Motivating Young Musicians: The Effects of Teaching Practice Strategies and Allowing Choice Repertoire
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Baumgartner, Hannah
Ghrelinergic and Endocannabinoid Signaling in the Amygdala and Ethanol Reward
Advisor: Paul Currie

Chesley, Oliver
The Role of Attention in Grapheme-Color Synesthesia
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Ellinger, Rachel
Examining the role of interaural time and level differences on speech intelligibility in complex multi-talker environments
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez & Frederick Gallun

Eyers, Jack
The Effect of Internet-Based Pretrial Publicity on Potential Capital Jurors
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Flint, Lafcadio
Communicating Status through Body Language and Clothing
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Flores, Hazel
Tensed: A linguistic analysis of the relationship between stress, anxiety, and word use
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Goldblatt, Carly
Coloring Consciousness: Exploring the Neural Correlates of Conscious Perception by Manipulating Awareness of Color
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Groombridge, Elizabeth
Gendering Strangers: Why, How, and Why Not
Advisor: Kathy Oleson & Chloe Chapin

Hawley, Kirsten
The Role of Basic Need Support in Adaptive Coping
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Kalisher, Caleb
Attribute amnesia or task-based interference?
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Kenchel, Jillian
Eyewitness Confidence: Post-Identification Feedback Affects Both Verbal and Numerical Expressions
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Kerns, Lydia
Worry, Risk Perception, and Motivation to Quit Smoking
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Leong, Anthony
Biocultural Perspectives on Circumcision and Autonomy of Incompetent Patients
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Merfeld, Emily
Action of Cytoskeletal Crosslinking Proteins in Nuclear Positing and Movement
Advisor: Derek Applewhite

Miller, Justin
The Effects of Dextromethorphan on Depression- and Anxiety-Like Behavior in Mice
Advisor: Paul Currie

Miller, L. B.
The Utility of Distraction: Alternative Response Options for Pigeons in a Self Control Paradigm
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Pike, Eleanor
The Effect of Marijuana on Eyewitness Memory
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Rice, Clara
Praise-Seeking Behavior Among College Students: Links to a History of Ability Praise, Academic Contingent Self-Worth, and Entity Theory
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Ryan, James
Sex-Dependent Consequences of Early-Life Maternal Separation on Anxiety-like Behavior, Glucocorticoid Signaling, and Hippocampal Gene Expression
Advisor: Paul Currie & Suzy Renn

Scarpetta, Maia
Neural Correlates of Auditory Attention in an Exogenous Orienting Task
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Schweitzer, Emma
The Effects of Oxytocin in Mediating Social Behavior and the Value of Social Reward in Female Rats
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg & Suzy Renn

Sheskier, Mikela
The Pro-Social and Anxiolytic Effects of Oxytocin in a Postnatal VPA Animal Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Advisor: Paul Currie

Troxell Whitman, Zoe
Motivated Disclosure Patterns: Disability Identity Management in the Higher Education Environment
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Vanderhooft, Lauren
Recourse Exploitation in a Modified Public Goods Foraging Game with Rats
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg & Allen Neuringer

Vinton, Eileen
Safety and Discomfort in the Classroom: Naïve Realism and Productive Discomfort in Higher Education
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Wagar, Madeline
"Come here often?": The Role of Choice and Novelty in Social Preference and Decision-Making in Rats
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Yohannes, Winta
Negotiated Justice: The Role of Race, Age, and Crime Type on Plea Bargaining
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Zallar, Lia
Ghrelinergic and Endocannabinoid Signaling in Ethanol Reward and Food Consumption
Advisor: Paul Currie


Agan, Emily
The Effects of Mouthbrooding on Brood Size, Growth, and Mobile Behaviors in Astatotilapia burtoni
Advisor: Suzy Renn

Bauer, Phoebe
The Figure is in the Brain of the Beholder: Neural Correlates of Individual Perceptions in the Bistable Face-Vase Image
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Beach, Peter
Assigned Achievement Goals and Self-Handicapping
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Brockway, Emma
Investigating Possible Anxiety Effects of Anandamide into the Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
Advisor: Paul Currie

Carnegie, Amanda
A First Empirical Look into the Nature of the Trigger Warning: Anxiety and Behavioral Functions as Tested by an Approach-Avoidance Task
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Crisman, Elizabeth
Don't read the comments: Online comment sections as prejudicial pretrial publicity
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Evans, Orian
Sex and age differences in alcohol drinking behavior in socialized vs isolated C57BL/6J mice
Advisor: Raúl Pastor-Medall

Geffen, Allesandra
Haitian Creole genesis: language contact and language creation
Advisor: J. Matthew Pearson

Graulty, Christian
Neuronal Dynamics of Grapheme-Color Synesthesia
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Hoeflin, Caitlyn
"It's Not Me, It's My Brain": How Neuroscience Evidence Affects Perceptions of Free Will
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Horel, Meredith
The Roots of Prosocial Behaviors in Preschool Children: Theory of Mind and Empathy
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Jackson, Corinna
Binge-like methamphetamine consumption in a selected mouse line
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Jackson-Nielsen, Molly
Awareness doesn't come for free: The attentional costs of gist perception
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Khoo, Xin
Perceptual Awareness in Human Ventral Stream Visual Cortex: Neural Correlates of Consciousness or Reporting?
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Lauffer, Marisol
Developing an Animal Model of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART)
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Lisitsa, Elizabeth
Blame It On The Alcohol: Effects of Perpetrator Alcohol Use on Implicit and Explicit Attributions of Blame for Sexual Assault
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Maita-Keppeler, Teresa
A Person-Centered Examination of Academic Motivation, Emotions, and Marijuana Use Among Undergraduates
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Moctezuma-Bender, Cloe
Central Amygdala Endocannabinoid Neurotransmission Alters Emotional Memory Processes in Female Rats
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg & Paul Currie

Morales, Ileana
Differential Involvement of Dopamine and Opioid Signaling in Food Preference and Effort-Related Decision-Making in Rats
Advisor: Raúl Pastor-Medall & Tim Hackenberg

Morris, Benjamin
Preschool Children’s Learning and Motivation in Game-Based Learning Contexts
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Papaioannou, Orestis
Investigating the validity of the additive model as a control in audiovisual integration studies
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Pekarskaya, Elizabeth
Cyclical Feelings: Effects of Continuous Hormonal Contraception on Stress Behavior and Circulating Hormones in a Mouse Model
Advisor: Erik Zornik & Raúl Pastor-Medall

Ponteri, Brice
Studying Social Motivation Using the Valproic Acid Animal Model of Autism in Rats
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Scherm, Nicole
Neural Correlates of Speech Perception
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez & Michael Pitts

Selva, Joaquin
Ventral Tegmental and Systemic Ghrelin Stimulate Ethanol Intake
Advisor: Paul Currie

Shadrach, Lina
The Psychological Study of Morality and Gender: A Feminist-Postmodernist Perspective of Moral Psychology
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Valcarce, Bianca
Inoculating Jurors Against Expert Hindsight Bias in Medical Malpractice Litigation
Advisor: Dan Reisberg


Benak, Abbey

The Effects of Pre-Call Instructions and Voice Distinctiveness on Earwitness Identification
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Chavez, Alison
A Person-Centered Investigation of Academic Motivation, Emotions, and Drinking in a High School
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Corallo, Chandler
Girls and Academic Achievement in the Elementary-Middle School Classroom: Examining the Relationships among Gender, Evaluative Feedback, and Beliefs about the Self
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Covill-Grennan, Grace
Personal Narrative, Development, and Identity: Men at a Minimum Security Prison
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Doucette, Chanelle
“That’s (not) what she said”: How Sexual Arousal Influences the Interpretation of Facial Expressions
Advisor: Tim Flemming

Duffy, Katherine
Influences of Gender and Sexual Orientation Identity Salience on Group Dynamics
Advisor: Tim Flemming

Hiura, Lisa
To Free, or Not to Free: The Relative Reinforcing Values of Food Reward vs. Social Contact in Rats
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Kafka, Alison
Overprescribed and Under-researched: A Look into the Effect of Chronic, low-dose, oral exposure to DL Amphetamine in the Developing Male Sprague-Dawley
Advisor: Paul Currie & Tim Flemming

Leighton, Isabelle
Women’s Effort Perception, in STEM and Beyond: An Assessment of Accuracy, Motivational Correlates, and Potential Moderators
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Liebow, Samuel
Are There Statistical Heuristics for the Law of Large Numbers?

Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Linthicum, Kathryn
There’s an App for That: Investigating mindfulness, context, and moods
Advisor: Tim Flemming

Metzler, Stephen
Conscious and Non-Conscious Visual Processing of Shape and Color Depends on Task-Oriented Attention
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Myers, Julianne
Imagine the Possibilities: Familiarity Effects on the Subjective Vividness of Auditory Imagery of Speakers and Singers
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Scarcello, Antonia
Social and Empathic Nudges: An evaluation of the two intervention strategies to influence handwashing behavior
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Schelonka, Kathryn
The Neural Correlates of Word Perception during Inattentional Blindness
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco Gonzalez

Shelstad, James
Interspecies Behavioral Biases and the Conceptual Components of Crosslinguistic Syntactic Patterns

Advisor: Tim Hackenberg & Enriqueta Canseco Gonzalez

Swanson, Annam
Even Educated Fleas Do It: An Achievement Goal Theory for Sex Education
Advisor: Kathy Oleson


Balk, Maggie 
Anxiety, Bodily Awareness, and Substance Use
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Barrientos, Yogan 
Competition and Stress
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Berry, Allison 
The Effects of Chronic Peripheral Oxytocin Administration in Diet-Induced Obese Rats on a High-Protein Diet
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Cain, Deirdre 
The Effects of Motivation on False Memory Adoption
Advisor: Cara Laney

Callis, Mackenzie 
The Effects of Social Exclusion on Behavioral Willingness in Simulated Collegiate Drinking Contexts
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Carreras, Aaron 
Reevaluating Learning Without Awareness: An extension of Williams (2005)
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Chiles, Robert
The Impact of Lineup Instructions on Eyewitness Identification Accuracy
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Dash, Genevieve
Academic Motivation and Motives to Use or Abstain From Marijuana in Adolescents: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Davis, Katherine 
Metabolic and Behavioral Effects of Saccharin Consumption in Juvenile and Adult Rats
Advisor: Paul Currie

Dinkova, Elizabeth
Perceptions of Visual Causality in Pigeons and Humans
Advisor: Tim Flemming

Doerflinger, Jane
The Interaction Violent Media and Personality
Advisor: Cara Laney

Gelman, Annelyse
The Effects of Improvisation on Creative Problem-Solving
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Gottman, Moriah
Caffeine and Dementia in a Rat Model of Parkinsons
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Heichman, Sharon
The effects of ghrelin and neuropeptide Y microinjections into the ventral tegmental area on appetitve motivation and food intake
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Hildebrand-Chupp, Rowan
Asexuality and the US Mental Health System: Diagnostic Decision-Making Regarding Clients Who Could Potentially Identify as Asexual
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Houston, Alex
Juror Perceptions of Fingerprint Evidence and Expert Testimony
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Leontovich, Natalia
The effects of ghrelin microinjections into the basolateral amygdala on anxiety behavior
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Lewis, Clara
The Collegiate-Simulated Intoxication Digital Elicitation (C-SIDE) and Concurrent Alcohol Use, Context, and Motives
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Lewis, Melissa
An Open Science Electrophysiology Study of the Error-Related Negativity and Anxiety
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Mastick, Rodney 
The effect of ambiguity in situation and threat on collective flight behavior
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Maxon, Elizabeth
Cognitive Flexibility & Theory of Mind Development: The Influence of Relational Language on False-belief Understanding
Advisor: Tim Flemming

Meese, William
The Effects of Social Identity Threat on College Students with ADHD
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Nelken, Jacob
The Effects of HRTFs on the Listening Experience
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Neumann, Carlie
The Zooniversal Nature of Anxiety: A Comparative Assessment of Stereotypic Behavior Across Species
Advisor: Tim Flemming

Oh, Linda
Can Procrastination be Productive?: Differences in Motivation and Self-Regulation of the ‘Active’ Procrastinator in the Academic Context
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Pang, Alicia
Stereotypicality and Social Identity Complexity: Considering Multiple Social Identities under Stereotype Threat
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Pettyjohn, Ethan
Motivations of Play and their Role in Predicting High Engagement and Problematic Usage among World of Warcraft Players
Advisor: Cara Laney

Plascencia, Eugenia
Using psycholinguistics to investigate the syntactic structure of the dative alternation in Mexican Spanish
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Raisz, Eva 
Social Comparison: Assimilation and Contrast Effects with In-Group and Out-Group Targets
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Ramezani, Kimya
Twitter: A Window on Alcohol Use?
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Rodriguez, Sal
Mortality Salience and Intellectual Performance
Advisor: Cara Laney

Scola, Alex
Vividness of Mental Imagery as a Predictor for Facial Recognition
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Shafto, Juliet
Neural signatures of conscious face perception: The N170 is absent during inattentional blindness
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Silbert, Karen
8-OH-DPAT microinjections have effects on anxiety in ventral amygdaloid areas which are modulated by co-administration with ghrelin
Advisor: Tim Flemming

Sosa, Frank
Loss Aversion in the Pigeon
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Stein, Hannah
Clinical Judgment and Cultural Differences in the Diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Theis, Jemana
Childhood Place and Environmental Identity
Advisor: Cara Laney

Wauson, Shelby
Examining the role of ghrelin in activating dopaminergic projections from the VTA to the BLA: VTA ghrelin enhances reward-cue acquisition in a reinstatement paradigm
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Wells, Luke
Why Do People Do Dumb Things?
Advisor: Dan Reisberg

Yiu, Loretta
Electrophysiological Estimate of the Time Course of Syntactic and Language Tag Encoding During Bilingual Word Recognition
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez


Berg, Don 
Enthusiastic Students: The Motivational Consequences of Two Alternatives to Mandatory Instruction
Advisor: Jennifer Corpus

Coston, Eli 
The Effects of Auditory Bandwidth and Spatial Congruence on Early Audiovisual Interactions
Advisor: Michael Pitts

Davidson, Gray 
Apparent Motion and the Tritone Paradox: An EEG Investigation of Novel Bistable Stimuli
Advisor: Michael Pitts

de los Reyes, Alisa
Blame and Memory    
Advisor: Cara Laney

Garcia, Jennifer
Evaluating the Transdiagnostic Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Eating Disorders with Student Athletes
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Grimaldi, Elizabeth 
Motivational Profiles of Academic Motivation, Drinking Motivation, and Motivation not to Drink Predict Alcohol Related Outcomes     
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Heiss, Meredith S.
Detecting Deception and False Memories in Transcripts and Videos
Advisor: Cara Laney

Ladizinsky, Esther
Effects of Caffeine on Attention and Cognition in Sleep-Deprived College Students
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Lynch, Andrew 
Consumer Purchasing Decisions and the Question-Behavior Effect
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Matsen, Julie
Parenting Styles, Need for Fulfillment and Eating Regulation: Factors in Disordered Eating
Advisor: Jennifer Corpus

Nguyen, Elizabeth 
A Linguistic Relativity Study Involving the Visual Mismatch Negativity Component and English and Vietnamese Colors                  
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Pichel, Amanda
The Effects of a Therapeutic Writing Task on Students in a Competitive Academic Setting
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Sitney, Miranda
Every American's Goal: A Self-Determination Approach to Promoting Healthy Eating Behavior
Advisor: Jennifer Corpus

Wise, Adrienne
The Contribution of Belongingness Uncertainty, Self-Doubt and Perceived Effort Expenditure to Domain Identification and Persistence of Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Fields
Advisor: Kathy Oleson


Blickenstaff, Bradley 
Multimodal Numerical Cognition in Pigeons
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Brackenbury, Lauren M.
Collegiate Decision Making about Drug Use
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Canada, Katherine G.
Thinking Through Change: The Effect of Implicit Trait Theories on Goals and Well-Being
Advisor: Acacia Parks    

Carby-Angus, Petergaye Simonne
A Major By Any Other Name Would Still Have a Stereotype: Social Dominance
Orientation, Group Membership, Major Involvement and Major Stereotyping
Advisor: Peter Marks

Cooney, Henry A.
The Role of TRPV1 Receptor in Endocannabinoid Enhancement of Emotional Memory
Advisors: Tim Hackenberg and Paul J. Currie

Evensen, Lara A.K.   
Perceptions of Belonging and Adjustment to College: The Role of Social
Persistence and Social Risk-Taking    
Advisor: Peter Marks

French, Matthew
To Pee, or Not to Pee, that is the Stresstion: An Exploratory Study in the Psychological
Relation of Positive Emotions to Stress Hormones as Measured in Urine by Gas
Chromatography—Mass Spectroscopy
Advisor: Acacia Parks       

Gerhardt, Jessica
A Crying (Prejudice) Shame: The Effects of Confronter and Gender on
Perceptions of Sexism
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Gray, Chris
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Realegeno, Claudia
Better Living Through Chemistry: Modafinil as a Pharmocotherapy for
Neuropsychological Recovery from Methamphetamine Dependence
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg       

Hammond-Oakley, Clara
The Role of Death Qualification in Venirepersons’ Memory for Pretrial Publicity
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Harati, Amelia Y.P.
When the Grass is Browner on the Other Side:  The Effects of Stigma and Social

Comparison on Mental Health Help Seeking in College Students  
Advisor: Acacia Parks

Kappeyne van de Coppello, Nicholas
Meta Rats: Self-Awareness During Self-Report and Escape       
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Kim, Jonathan Young
An Investigation of Perceptual and Behavioral Confirmation within Friendship Dyads    
Advisor: Kris Anderson

Lasner, Will
Is There a Cognitive Heuristic that is Activated by the Properties of Self-Voice?   
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Leonard, Jason 
Discovering the Key to Unlocking Tool-Use in a Non-Tool-Using Species
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Luchow, Justin Evan
Human and Pet Animal Social Support and their Corresponding Situational Factors
Advisor: Acacia Parks

McMahon, Jean Marie
Mortality Salience and the University Worldview: Exploring the Terror
Management Benefits of an Intrinsic Orientation 
Advisor: Kathy Oleson

Porter, Devon E.
The Effect of the Appearance-Change Instruction on Same-Race and Cross-Race
Eyewitness Identifications   
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Quackenbush, Mathias Paul
Risk-Taking and the Four-Factor Model of Impulsivity            
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Schneider, Ashley
A Developmental Perspective on Alcohol Use in Middle and High School Students:

Effects of School Engagement and Peer Victimization   
Advisor: Kris Anderson     

Schwartz, Robert M. 
The Functionality of Cross-Modal Activation in Word Identification
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Skaperdas, Eleni
The Intimate Internet: Personality and Self-Disclosure in Online vs. Face-to-Face Communications         
Advisor: Peter Marks    

Speert, Zach
The Influence of Experimental Technique on Caffeine-Placebo Responding
Advisor: Acacia Parks             

Thoreson, Justina K.
Perceptions of Female Physical Beauty: Are Men and Women on the Same Page?
Advisor: Kathy Oleson                                  

Weinberg, Zachary Y.
An Exploration of Ghrelin’s Effect in a Conditioned Place Preference Paradigm
Advisor: Paul J. Currie


Baltzell, Lucas S.
Interaction between syntax processing in language and music as a function of bilingualism : an ERP study
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Booth, Margaret Rae
The effects of praise followed by ambiguous feedback on college students' intrinsic motivation
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Briggs, Kristen E. L.
Factors influencing adolescents' motivation to seek therapy for depression
Advisor: Rachel E. Goldsmith

Call, Aaron
Mindfulness for children : "a pillow you can take anywhere"
Advisor: Jaime Kurtz

Chapman, Colin Daniel
Oxytocin mediates ghrelin-induced eating in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

DeBellis, Paul
The power of music and memory in advertising
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Dennis, Jessica
Metacognition in rats
Advisor: Tim Hackenberg

Dubose, Ryan
A picture is worth a thousand words : using photography to cultivate positive emotions through savoring
Advisor: Jaime Kurtz

Duncan, Katia D.
The effect of allocutions on capital jury sentencing decisions
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Forbis, Jessica Elizabeth
Memory and emotion : the memory effects of humor
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Fuentes, Lauren Elizabeth
Correlates of posttraumatic growth in adults who experienced parental cancer in adolescence
Advisor: Rachel E. Goldsmith

Fyfe, Alisa Michelle
Mothers' reminiscing style and use of suggestive questioning in unshared and shared event conversations
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Goehner, Sean
The post-decision satisfaction of cellphone purchases : can the best phone be the worst choice?
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Gottschlich, Alyssa
Effect of the 5-HT2C antagonist SB242084 on eating behavior in the rat
Advisor: Paul Currie

Haimovitz, Kyla
Effects of person verses process praise on student motivation : stability and change in emerging adulthood
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Hertz, Robin M.
Effect of a mindfulness-based intervention on attributions for PTSD
Advisor: Rachel Goldsmith

Hewey, Jeryl
The self-determined voter : a need-based theory of political engagement
Advisor: Jaime Kurtz

Hilbert, Brian
Rats' choices in situations of diminishing returns : effects of motivation and switching costs
Advisor: Tim D. Hackenberg

John, Catherine S.
Targeting the endocannabinoid system : how agonism and antagonism of TRPV1 and CB1 receptors in the basolateral amygdala can differentially affect anxiolytic and anxiogenic behavior
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Kessler, Nicholas
Motivation, incentive sensitization and college drinking: an eye-tracking study of attentional processes
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Kurbanov, Daniel B.
Naltrexone suppresses food intake and body weight gain in a rat model of olanzapine-induced hyperphagia and obesity
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Larisch, Ruby
Free bird : proposing and testing an ecologically valid foraging analogue for the operant laboratory
Advisor: Timothy Hackenberg

Luehrs, Evin Hunter
Testosterone and 17ß-estradiol in male cynomolgus monkeys self-administering ethanol
Advisor: Timothy Hackenberg

Lyo, Shawn
Bidirectionality of psychological variables and embodiment in the form of static postures and walks
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

McCarron, Tara
Academic motivations for the nonmedical use of prescription stimulants
Advisor: Jamie Kurtz

Moshontz de la Rocha, Hannah
Making energy saving normal : an energy-saving intervention based on the focus theory of normative conduct
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Moss, Alexa C.
Eyewitness identification procedures in Oregon police work and the impact of the appearance-change instruction on identification accuracy
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Nicholson, Marjorie Louise
Ghrelin microinjections into the ventral tegemental area elicit an increase in motivation for food seeking
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Robinson, Joanna M.
When you see it, let it be : urgency, mindfulness and adolescent substance use
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Sutherland, Thomas McGarrett
Potential interactions between centrally administered ghrelin and salvinorin A on the expression of reward : a conditioned place preference study in rats
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Volker, David Andrew Bowman
Self-complexity deconstructed : the independent and joint contributions of integration and differentiation of the self-concept to resilience
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Westgate, Erin Corwin
A rocky issue : the effects of humor on learning and interest in an educational context
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Witkin, Emily
Positive and negative urgency, motives, and perceived risk in adolescent alcohol use
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Wormington, Stephanie V.
Put them together and what have you got? : A person-centered investigation of academic motivation, performance, and engagement in a high school setting
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus


Baikie-Rick, Rachel R.
The state of the art : impacting women's artistic creativity through stereotype susceptibility and competition
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Beasley, Robertson Tyne Earthman
Hearing outside the box : an exploration of how categories mediate the auditory attentional blink
Advisor: Derek E. Lyons

Casey, Christopher M.
Are individual differences in preference for consistency and cooperation predictive of behavior in social dilemmas?
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Coles, Roswell Strong, IV
Salvia? in my ventricle? it's more likely than you think : a conditioned place preference assay in rats after central injection of Salvinorin A
Advisor: Paul J. Currie, Ph.D

Davis, Matthew James
Ghrelin microinjection into the ventral tegmental area induces conditioned place preference
Advisor: Paul J. Currie, Ph.D

Federow, Mariah Dyan Bernard
Hidden in plain sight : a detailed analysis of dog social cue preference
Advisor: Derek E. Lyons

Frederick, Benedict John, IV
Adolescent substance abuse and comorbid psychopathology : the youth relapse model
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson, Ph.D

Garfield, Tamara
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder experience decrements in executive function as a result of stress in social situations
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Grueneisen, Aline Michelle
Feeling the weight of a cognitive backpack : the mind's effect on visual perception
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Horvick, Michael
The relationship between stress, burnout, and leisure as a coping strategy within a student population
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson, Ph.D

Hudson, James
Indirect effects of processing fluency on reasoning
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Kominsky, Jonathan F.
Are you reading through time? : two studies of the relationship between space and time in English speakers
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Liddell, Jessica
The black hole of motherhood : a decrease in perceived competence and hirability for female physics job candidates with children
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Loera, Katherine E.
Serotonin attenuates the orexigenic and anxiogenic actions of ghrelin within the paraventricular nucleus of thehypothalamus
Advisor: Paul J. Currie Ph.D

McGee, Anna Joyce
Do you see what I see? : canine understanding of what is new and old in the experience of others
Advisor: Derek E. Lyons

McNellis, Jamie
Transference of handling effects between rats
Advisor: Mark Pitzer

Robboy, Juliet M.
Intergenerational child abuse, revictimization, and coping
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson, PhD

Snelling, Jennifer Kelly
Race and ethnicity in jury selection
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Springate-Combs, Cole
The double phonemic boundary : development in non-native bilinguals
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzales

Staples, Roy P.
Who are they? : group entitativity, subgroup relations, and immigration policy
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Tinsley, Alexandra
You can tell by the way I use my walk : gait symmetry and judgments of attractiveness, competence, friendliness, and desirability
Advisor: Mark Pitzer

Utevsky, Natasha Bessie
Spirituality in the context of risk and protection
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson, Ph.D

Voss, Sandra Kristina
Differences between Spanish and English speakers' perceptions of animal gender
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Wall, Daniel G.
Pretreatment with insulin detemir attenuates the orexigenic effects of ghrelin
Advisor: Paul J. Currie, Ph.D

Yen, Tian Yu
How to motivate yourself to write a bibliography when you expect it to be boring : interest expectations and students' use of motivational strategies
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus


Beaumont, Richard
The effect of Afrocentric facial features on conviction rate : amock-juror simulation
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Brehm, Laurel Ellen
Language rules : lexical ambiguity and models of sentence processing
Advisor: Kyle E. Chambers

Bridge, Rami
The suppression of stereotypic inferences based on Afrocentric facial features : a dilemma unsolved by awareness
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Buras, Morgan Raya Cooper
Affect, expectancies and drinking patterns in older adults
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Cardinale, Quincy Reiken
Auditory and visual memory capacity : do similar items limit capacity?
Advisor: Kyle Chambers

Cook, Alexandria
Parental perceptions of infants' television viewing
Advisor: Rebecca Brand

Gersovitz, Ryan
A comparison of eyewitness identification accuracy between simultaneous, sequential, and elimination lineup procedures
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Go, Jennifer N.
Everybody's doing it : adolescent substance use and gender difference on the A-SIDE task
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Grant, Alexandra
Ethnic differences in American college students' drinking behavior and alcohol expectancies
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Grunwald, Ilan
The expansion of a motivational model for alcohol use
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Hafer-Zdral, Jennifer
When senses collide : multimodal and dynamic people perception
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Hollenbeck, Emily Nicole
Mothers' use of eye gaze in infant-directed action demonstrations
Advisor: Rebecca Brand

Horsley, William Stewart
Pornography consumption, body image, and sexual behavior in college-age men
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Hudson, Patrick G.
Navigation of the Rough-skinned newt ("Taricha granulosa")" : is there a geo-magnetic sense?
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Ilyes, Emese
The heat beneath the melting pot : implicit and explicit stereotyping of immigrants
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Juarez, Lindsay
Stereotype threat and self-affirmation : the good student
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Kushlev, Kostadin Petrov
The more you want the less you get : the effect of maximizing, number of choices and mindfulness on purchasing decisions in Americans and Bulgarians
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Kuznetsova, Ludmila
Free testosterone concentrations in a Hepatitis C population
Advisor: Jennifer Loftis and Paul J. Currie

Lehet, Matthew I.
Gap junctions and memory
Advisor: Paul Currie

Leonard, Lindsay Alyse
Effects of nitric oxide, c-reactive protein, and depression in hepatitis C patients undergoing interferon-alpha therapy
Advisor: Jennifer Loftis and Paul Currie

Moffitt, Ursula Elinor
Ethnic identity, motivation, and academic engagement among Hispanic immigrant high school students
Advisor: Kyle Chambers

Ostrom, Erik
Magic motion : infants' perception of causality & spontaneous movement
Advisor: Rebecca Brand

Powers, Jaine L.
The way the ball bounces : seeking direct connections between intrinsic motivation and mindfulness as well as investigating the presence of both in jugglers
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Ragnarsson, Kristín Ásta
Evidence for motionese in a non-parent population
Advisor: Rebecca Brand

Rodnick-Smith, Zane
Individual differences in visual imagery
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Sarkodie, Kwaku Amoako
8-OH-DPAT attenuates the anxiogenic action of hypothalamic ghrelin
Advisor: Paul J. Currie

Siegel, Cara
Oxytocin mediates partner preference in the polygamous rat
Advisor: Paul Currie

Siegel, Seneca
Exploring asymmetrics in figurative language between Spanish and English speakers
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Summers, Emily
A study of modern personality
Advisor: Kristen G. Anderson

Tabachnick, Anne J.
The effects of variability training on exploratory behavior of rats
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Zander, Robin P.
The effects of variable and creative practice in a dance environment
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Ziegler, Sianna Alia
The virgin/whore dichotomy in action : ambivalent sexism and evaluations of positively and negatively sexually subtyped women
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson


Averbach, Elana J.
The effect of problem size on affect and prosocial choice
Advisor: Dr. Allen Neuringer

Bezemer, Denille
Media and body image : the role of ethnic identity with females of color
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Dunn, Lea H.
Social identity influence on advertising perception
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Edwards, Ben
Investigating intolerance of uncertainty in social anxiety
Advisor: Ken Abrams

Gamble, Marissa Lynn
A time-course study of access to semantic vs. language information in English-Spanish bilinguals
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Hayenga, Amynta O.
Profiles of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation : a holistic studyof motivation and its correlates
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Hibbard, Isaac
Ease of discrimination of 'polymorphically'-similar stimuli after1, 2, and 3 behavioral equivalencies
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Iglehart, Blake
The relative impact of photographic and video lineups on eyewitness accuracy
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Killeen, Rhiannon Elizabeth
The effects of gender make-up of an exercise environment on the self-objectification of women
Advisor: Ken Abrams

Kochhar-Lindgren, Duncan
Contemporary racism in juries : the need for cognition and race salience
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Koren, Matthew
The effects of instant messenger on social perceptions
Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Abrams

Lee, Christian
Big-five personality traits and religiosity : delving deeper into the relationships between personality and religion
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Murphy-Crews, Aaron M.
Cytokine-induced depression and the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis : effects of sub-chronic interleukin-1β and DMP904on immobility in the forced swim test and peripheral cytokine levels
Advisor: Jennifer M. Loftis

Nash, Whitney N.
Curiosity and sensation seeking in middle school : motivational profiles and academic achievement
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Peric, Mirna
Prophylactic administration of citalopram to treat pegylated-interferon induced depression in Hepatitis C patients
Advisor: Jennifer M. Loftis

Ritchie, Andrew
Change or mirage? : an investigation of stereotyping and cognitive load
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Safin, Vasiliy
The sunk-cost effect and discounting of delayed rewards
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Troxel, Natalie
Mock witnesses and attitudes toward law enforcement : does cynicism matter when a lineup is biased?
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Weintraub, Natalie H.
Unwanted options : choice behavior and autonomy
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

White, Lauren N.
The effects of multidimensional arousal and thematically induced detail on attention and memory for an emotional event
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez


Blodgett, Elizabeth Geneva
Women and sexuality in the health care setting
Advisor: Allison Caruthers

Bresee, Catherine
Acquired magnetosensation : demonstration of the phenomenon in rats
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Chevalier, D. Ashton
Variation and selection in context
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Deen, Michael
Hookups and women's social, psychological, and sexual health in college
Advisor: Allison Caruthers

Dotson, Rachel
Mother-child conversations and children's memories of unshared events
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Fischer, Kara A.
Overt and covert transfer of statistical reasoning training
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Gatta, David Trexler
The differential effects of oleoylethanolamide on ingestive behavior in free-feeding rats
Advisor: Steven St. John

Giotta, Terra Jade
The effects of stereotype priming in an academic setting
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Hilarides, Bridget Ann Dubois
Coming out and passing : disability identity management in higher education
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Hudgins, Lauren Elaine
Written emotional disclosure : a potential therapeutic intervention for chronic pain
Advisor: Tonya Lippert-Luikart

Lakeland, Violet L.
Effects of sexually objectifying magazine advertisements on late adolescent's gender attitudes and stereotypes : reinforcing traditional roles and ideologies
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

McClintic-Gilbert, Megan S.
The relationships among early adolescents' motivational orientations, learning strategies, and academic achievement
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

O'Sullivan, Matthew
Environmmental influences on developmental and adult injury-induced plasticity : effects of dietary sodium restriction during early development and chorda tympani regeneration on salt taste behavior
Advisor: Steven St. John

Rothstein, Jacob
Ceiling effects in assessments of choice variables
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Sailer, Bonnie Elizabeth
The cost of switching languages and switching categories in two bilingual auditory tasks
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Schriber, Roberta A.
The interactive effect of regulatory focus and self-construal on global-local processing
Advisor: Dell Rhodes

Selfridge, Ethan
The role of state-anxiety in cognitive dissonance induced attitude change
Advisor: Dr. Tonya Lippert-Luikart

Speicher-Eisenstark, Kendra L.
Individual differences in visualization : not a binary categorization
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Stanton, Penelope R.
One for one and all for all? : the effect of group identity and communication on self-interested behavior and trust in social dilemmas
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Steckler, Maureen T.
Heterosexism and attitudes toward same-sex parenting
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Stickney, Sarah Alice
The effects of fear and sadness on automatic intergroup discrimination in the minimal group paradigm
Advisor: Dell Rhodes

Ungerecht, Mary Elizabeth
Gendered power relations and condom use in heterosexual relationships : a critique of the theory of reasoned action
Advisor: Allison S. Caruthers

Walker, Rosa Michelle Montana
An investigation of variability-training in electromyography (EMG) biofeedback
Advisor: Allen Neuringer


Álvarez, Crystal
Ability praise : a possible cause of self-handicapping as mediated through contingent self-worth
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Andrews Ch√°vez, Brian James
Subjective overachievement and risky task choices : an issue for academia or daily life?
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Bambino, Cody Park
Advisor: Lauren Maxim

Bridge, Yael Segal
Examining self-knowledge and individual differences in affective forecasting and the retrospective impact bias
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Brough, Kasmira Maureen
Disability prejudice from a terror management perspective
Advisor: Michelle R. Nario-Redmond

Cover, Rachel Shenandoah
An examination of the relationship between REM sleep, aminergic neurotransmission, and water maze learning and memory in rats
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Duffield, DeeAnna K.
Why don't you like what you like? : modulating factors in the anticipatory contrast and conditioned flavor preference paradigms
Advisor: Steven St. John

Guerrero, Cherie Josefa
A longitudinal approach to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation : the middle school transition
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Hollins, Athena Victoria
The relationship between neuroticism and memory for emotional events
Advisor: Lauren Maxim

Hubbard, Hannah
Confidence-accuracy calibration and the cross-race recognition deficit : race in the mind of the beholder
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Kalmbach, Leila Rose
If seeing is believing, then don't believe your eyes : the effect of photographs on false memories
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Love, Kelly Elizabeth
The impact of beliefs : does shaping theory of intelligence make a difference for motivation
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

McCollum, James Isaac
Acting in other's best interests : self-handicapping and other-enhancement for friends and strangers
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Molloy, Elissa
Professors' perceptions of learning disabled students
Advisor: Michelle R. Nario-Redmond

Myers, Shorey Alison
The cultural psychology of confirmation bias : dialectics, logic and the evaluation of hypotheses
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Rancourt, Joseph F.
To taste or not to taste : human fatty acid taste perception
Advisor: Steven St. John

Saxbe, William B.
Your president is "always" right : motivated credulity and the 2004 Presidential debate
Advisor: Kathryn C. Oleson

Scheiner, Lauren Rose
Lexical access in Spanish-English bilinguals during auditory comprehension
Advisor: Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez

Schreiner, Ian Taavi
Mood and variability
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Tappon, Sarah C.
Combining concepts in language
Advisor: Daniel Reisberg

Trimble, Cynthia A.
Motivational regulation strategies in elementary school populations
Advisor: Jennifer Henderlong Corpus

Tubman, Shimron Louis Lyons
The taste of science : how sweet can it be?
Advisor: Dr. Steven St. John

Wagner, Katherine
Delay of reinforcement and variability
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Weiss, Alison R.
Object manipulation in two strains of laboratory rat
Advisor: Allen Neuringer

Wensman, Leigh
Personality and vocational interests in undergraduate major selection
Advisor: Lauren Maxim, Ph.D