Our team manages advancement, alumni, and parent programs. For general inquiries, please call the college relations reception desk at 503-777-7573 or toll-free at 877-865-1469.

Sarah Z. Panetta
Senior Director of Philanthropy, Process ManagementPhone: 503-777-7578
Email: panettas@reed.edu

Emily McNulty Scripter
Associate Director of AdvancementPhone: 503-777-7535
Email: escripte@reed.edu
Alumni Relations and Volunteer Engagement

Aurore Giguet
Director of Alumni Relations and Volunteer EngagementPhone: 503-788-6644
Email: agiguet@reed.edu

Tess Buchannan ’21
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Volunteer EngagementPhone: 503-777-7547
Email: buchannt@reed.edu

Amy Hesse ’03
Associate Director of Alumni Relations and Volunteer EngagementPhone: 503-517-7427
Email: ahesse@reed.edu

Jennnifer Manning
Associate Director of Volunteer Engagement & PhilanthropyEmail: jmanning@reed.edu

Fred Ratté
Administrative Coordinator, Alumni Relations and Volunteer EngagementPhone: 503-517-7413
Email: rattef@reed.edu

Sonali Shivdasani
Associate Director of Advancement EventsPhone: 503-517-4068
Email: sonalis@reed.edu

Fiona Simms
Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Volunteer EngagementPhone: 503-777-7575
Email: simmsf@reed.edu
Corporate, Foundation, & Government Support

Jeremy Niculescu
Director of Corporate, Foundation, and Government SupportPhone: 503-777-7560
Email: niculescuj@reed.edu

David Gruber
Associate Director of Corporate, Foundation, and Government SupportPhone: 503-517-4773
Email: gruberd@reed.edu
Gift Planning

Kathy Saitas
Advancement Counsel and Senior Director of Gift PlanningPhone: 503-777-7759
Email: kathy.saitas@reed.edu

Individual Giving Officers

Chris Brentlinger
Senior Philanthropic AdvisorPhone: 503-777-7586
Email: chris.brentlinger@reed.edu

Miguel Sanchez-Rutledge
Administrative Coordinator, AdvancementPhone: 503-517-4812
Email: miguels@reed.edu
Advancement Communications

Deniz Menemenci
Director of Advancement CommunicationsPhone: 503-517-7904
Email: dmenemenci@reed.edu

Emily Cardinal
Senior Advancement Communications SpecialistPhone: 503-517-7409
Email: ecardinal@reed.edu

Ellie Kotapish
Associate Director of Marketing and CommunicationsPhone: 503-777-7564
Email: kotapishe@reed.edu