Graduation Checklist

Seniors: review the following checklist as you prepare for the end of your academic year.

Offices and departments across campus want seniors to have a clear understanding of the steps needed to graduate. Should you have any questions along the way, contact information for the relevant offices is available below the list or email commencement@reed.edu.

Graduation Deadlines

Task/Event Fall 2024
Spring 2025 Graduate
due by noon (required). This form includes:
  • Name for diploma
  • Robe size
  • Name pronunciation for the Commencement ceremony
  • Information for the Commencement program
December 6
by noon
April 9
by noon
Your @reed.edu email will be going away in August. Set up a vacation message to start notifying your contacts, and make sure to use a personal email address when applying for jobs. Early/Mid January Early May
Thesis must be submitted to the  by 3 p.m. Provide copies to orals board immediately upon approved submission. December 6
by 3 p.m.
May 2
by 3 p.m.
Prepare for oral exam. Orals week begins. December 12 May 5
Pay any outstanding balance on bookstore account. December 19
by 4 p.m.
May 10
by 4 p.m.
Return all library books. December 19 May 15
Final thesis submitted to  December 20
by noon
May 16
by noon
Complete Reed loan exit counseling (if applicable). Contact the business office if you have questions.

If you receive an email notice saying that your diploma is on hold, please contact the business office to resolve the hold. The hold may be due to unpaid financial obligations or loan counseling.
December 20
by 5 p.m.
May 16
by 5 p.m.
Pay your business office account balance. March 10
by 4 p.m.

You will receive an e-bill mid-February due on March 10 if you have a balance.
May 16
by 4 p.m.
Pick up your robe before or after rehearsal in Gray Lounge, Kaul Auditiorium May 17
1–4 p.m.
Mandatory commencement rehearsal at 2 p.m. in Kaul Auditorium.

Time capsule: Bring a token of your time at Reed with you to Commencement rehearsal or on Commencement day and place it in the box in Kaul Auditorium. This will only be opened again at your 25th Reunion, so choose something you’ll remember well!
May 17
at 2 p.m.
Participate in Commencement! Put on your cap and gown and be in Kaul Auditorium by 9:45 a.m. to get lined up for Commencement. May 19
at 9:45 a.m.

Residential housing closes. Visit Reed's Residence Life website for more information.

Note that the Health & Counseling Center closes for winter break and summer. Students who are still seeing a health care provider at the HCC need to make sure to get any prescription refills before the end of the semester.

December 20
at noon
May 20
at noon
Last day to submit your request for personal copies of your bound thesis.

Update IRIS account with current contact information, including a phone number, email address, and mailing address.
January 10 May 23
Handshake student account becomes an alumni account. You will retain the same access to your account indefinitely and no action is needed.

Start transitioning your Reed Google documents to a personal account. Your Reed accounts will close in August.
Early/Mid January Early June
Fill out the First Destination Survey via a link sent to you by email. February July
Determine personal health insurance needs.  Early December

Reed health insurance ends on December 31 (if applicable).
July 15

Reed health insurance ends on August 14 (if applicable).
Your Reed account will be transitioned to alumni status on this day—no more Reed email! Back up any documents and emails from your Reed Google Account before your account is transitioned. Contact CUS for assistance.

Access to Banner Self-Service ends. This includes access to payroll and tax forms.
August 1

Contact information

For questions about transition from student to alumni status.


Business Office

For paying financial obligations, including printing charges and library fees. Also the contact for the Perkins and Reed loan exit counseling.


Center for Life Beyond Reed

The CLBR advising team is available for advising this summer to assist with your job search, LinkedIn, and alumni connections. CLBR offers graduate school, professional school, and fellowship advising to all alumni, as well as career advising for entry-level and emerging professionals. Remember, you don’t need to know what you want to do next. Just make an appointment in .

Looking for a job? Take a look at the resources on our How to Find Opportunities page.


Computer User Services

For thesis formatting: /it/help/thesis/index.html
For Reed Google Account migration: /it/help/account_closing.html

(click the chat icon in the lower left)


Financial Aid

For loan exit counseling.


For thesis submission questions.

Ask a Librarian


Printing Services

For thesis binding.


Registrar's Office

For thesis submission and graduation requirements.


Residence Life

For on-campus housing and move out questions.
