Biology Department

Junior Qual

2024-25 Dates

Thursday, Sept 5, 2024
For students beginning theses in Fall ’24

Thursday, Oct 31, 2024
For students beginning theses in Spring ’24

Thursday, Feb 13, 2025
For students beginning theses in Fall ’25

Note: Juniors with ad hoc and/or standing interdisciplinary majors may need to take and pass two qualifying exams. For example, BMB students must take both the Biology and Chemistry exams. ES-Biology students must take the Biology and ES exams. Neuroscience students, however, take only a separate neuroscience exam. Please contact your academic advisor with questions.

Biology Qual Format

The Qual is an individual exam, you may not collaborate with fellow students but you may consult your notes, books, and library resources. It is available on a dedicated Moodle page, which will be fully open and available the Thursday at noon that the qual begins. You will have the entire weekend (until the following Monday at noon) to complete the exam.

The Qual consists of two sections - one quantitative and an essay. Each section has inbuilt choice. 

To complete the quantitative section, you will select four out of the ~10 questions to answer. These questions are designed to test your numeracy and sense of scale as well as your ability to perform basic calculations and manage, analyze, and visualize data.

To complete the essay section, you will select one of the ~10 papers provided. Read and analyze it and then follow the prompt which will guide you through writing a 4-5 page essay that summarizes the paper, situates the findings of the paper within the field, and identifies remaining, open questions in the field. You will then formulate a hypothesis and an approach to address one of the remaining questions you identified. You will consult and cite additional relevant scientific literature identified through Scopus, PubMed, or other databases. We ask that you use appropriate in-text citations when acknowledging sources of specific information you include in any of your answers.

For any questions while taking the Qual, you can (and should) consult the relevant faculty member(s).


Be sure to attend a qual information session to learn more about the Biology Junior Qual. (Two sessions are offered in Spring 2025: Weds., February 5th at 6:10pm; and Thurs., February 6th at 12:10 in Bio 19.)

How might you study for the qual?  The best preparation is to assemble your class notes, term papers, and lab reports. It probably also makes sense to get your texts together (including your Intro book). These will all be potentially useful resources. In fact, any resources (other than fellow students) may be consulted in completing the qual.  Remember to use proper citation practices when acknowledging the sources of specific information you report in your qual answers.

For additional information, see the Library's where you will find guides to online resources, information about science writing and citation styles, and sample qual questions.

Junior Qual Dates

The biology junior qual is offered at the following times each year:

Standard Qual Dates:
  • Late October/Early November
  • Mid-February 

Deferrals and Retakes:
These dates are offered as needed for 1) students who are returning from leaves or study abroad and plan to begin thesis that semester, and 2) students who need to retake the qual from the previous semester.

  • The first Thursday of Fall semester 
  • The first Thursday of Spring semester 

A sign-up form will be available at least 2 weeks prior to each Qual date.

Additional Information

Adapted from the Reed Guidebook

All students must take the Junior Qualifying Examination before entering their senior year. Successful completion of the exam makes you eligible to enroll for the thesis. Ordinarily, the exam is taken in the second semester of the student's junior year.

Students must pass the junior qualifying examination (junior qual) before being allowed to begin a thesis in the senior year. The objectives of the qualifying exam are to gauge the student’s mastery of the discipline, to serve as a diagnostic aid in identifying weaknesses in the student’s preparation for advanced study or thesis work in that discipline, to assist the student in unifying the knowledge of a major field of study, and to assist the department in assessing the effectiveness of its own program.

This examination is held in the semester preceding the student’s thesis year. Students who are on a leave of absence or planning to apply for readmission must make arrangements with the department to take this examination before registering for the fall (or first) semester of the thesis year.

A student can be awarded a pass or a conditional pass, or can fail the exam. A student who fails or who passes conditionally may be required to satisfy certain conditions or may be re-examined. A second failure shall debar the student from candidacy for a degree in that department. A student may, however, take the qualifying examination in another field.