Biology Department

Arch and Fran Diack Student Field Research Award

The Arch and Fran Diack Student Field Research Award is an endowed fund administered by the Biology Department at ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ. The fund was established by the Diacks to encourage students in their aspirations and efforts to understand the natural world. Awards support student activities directed towards independent field research and encourage original contributions by students to scientific problems.

Students in ALL academic disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals for projects of their own design and completion. A list of previous project awards is provided below.

The stipend may also be used to participate in an established field research program (O.T.S., Rocky Mountain Biological Lab, etc.).

Information about this fellowship and the application procedure can be obtained from Dr. Keith Karoly (Biology Dept.) or from the Chair of the Biology Department.


Applications for the Arch and Fran Diack Research Fellowship should be submitted to Kristy Gonyer (B115), Biology Administrative Coordinator according to the annual deadline posted on the application form.

Previous Awards Under the Diack Fund

  • Johnson, Nels (1983) Apparency Theory and Seed Predation Patterns in Heracleum lanatum.
  • Haws, Chloe H. (1984) Sexual Differences and Territoriality on Dendrobates granuliferus.
  • Betts, Scott (1985) Cryptic Coloration and Color Polymorphism in the Pacific Treefrog, Hyla regilla.
  • Alroy, John (1986) Paleoecological Analysis of a Bartsovian Mammalian Fauna from the Red Basin, Central Malheur County, Oregon.
  • Purrington, Colin (1986) Six Miles of the Sandy River: A Survey.
  • Marshall, Chris J. (1988) The Relationship Between Egg Size Variation, Population Density and Larval Growth in the Korean Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina orientalis).
  • Parks, David (1988) Variation in Phenolic Content of Ecotypes of Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana).
  • Balderson, Alan J. (1989) The Nitrogen Nutrition of Red Snow Algae: Discovery of An Unidentified Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterial Symbiont.
  • Jeral, Jospeh M. (1989) Development and the Decline of Maternal Investment in the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus).
  • Brown, Rafe (1990) The Home Range Ecology of an Introduced Populaiton of the European Wall Lizard Podarcis muralis in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Davis, John P. (1992) The Influence of Heterogeneous Light Availability in Canopy Gap Areas on the Distribution, Plant Morphology, and Mycorrhizal Infection of Acer rubrum seedlings.
  • Manoukis, Nichloas C. (1995) A Population of Threespine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in the ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ Canyon During the Summer of 1995.
  • Moreira, Bruce (1996) Remnant Forest Distribution and Land Use Patterns in North Paraná, Brasil: Using Geographic Information Survey and Aerial Photos to Assess Patterns and Implicaitons on a Landscape Level.
  • Gould, Eliza (1997) Antioxidant Defenses in Old-Growth Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Canopies: the Correlation Between Glutathione Reductase Activity and Xylem Pressure Potentials.
  • Mayfield, Margaret M. (1997) Natural Variation in Pollinator Composition and Services: Effects on the Reproductive Success of Ipomopsis aggregata.
  • Buhle, Eric (1998) The Role of Small Fish as predators in Food Webs in the Sandy River.
  • Dolan, Jennifer (1999) Site and nutrient effects on sexual reproduction in Oxalis oregana.
  • Fuchs, Lindsay (2000) the effects of temperature and salamander predators on the survival of Bombina orientalis tadpoles.
  • Bass, Arthur (2001) The effects of simulated predation on Tachycineta bicolor nestling begging calls.
  • Bridges, Beth (2001) Response of the Intertidal Aggregating Anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima, to Aerial Exposure.
  • Hayden, Althea (2002) Structural color in female tree swallows & violet tree swallows as an indicator of individual quality.
  • Perkin, Elizabeth (2002) The Effects of Juniper Stand Density on Plant Diversity in Riparian Zones in Eastern Oregon.
  • Carwile, Jenny (2003) Small Mammal Abundance and Diversity in Portland Parks and Greeenspaces.
  • Dodge, Molly (2003) Habitat transmission and evolution of acoustic signals.
  • Rogers, Ashley (2004 Differential Success for First and Subsequent Nesting Attempts and Microhabitat Influences on Breeding Success in the Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculates).
  • Lencer, Ezra (2005) Morphological Variation and Demography of Stickleback Populations in the ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ Canyon.
  • Zero, Victoria (2005) Ecology of the Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) in Kansas.
  • Sweeney, Jonathan (2006) Comparing Leaf Traits in Relation to the Biotic and Abiotic Environment in East and West Java, Indonesia.
  • Leonard, Jenny (2008) Sustainable Resource Use on Two Hillslopes Bordering the Rural Villages of Guyuni and Tshiandzwane, Ha’Makuya, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
  • Jukar, Advait (2009) The genetic structure of Korean populations of Bombina orientalis.
  • Linck, Ethan (2010) Notes on the Use of Mist-Nets for Surveying Birds in a Lowland New Guinea Forest.
  • Killon, Ross (2011) Microbial Diversity in the Hydrothermal Vents near Guishau Island, Taiwan.
  • Dashevsky, Daniel (2012) Genomic divergence between populations of speckled rattlesnakes (Crotalus mitchelii).
  • Fox, Rachel (2013) Mechanisms driving structural and functional loss in restored ecosystems: Insect flux between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems at Searsville Dam.
  • Menzel, Karl (2015) Habitat Selection in Nicrophoryus investigator and N. defodiens.
  • Huang, Jasmine (2015) Investigating Spatial Memory in the Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca).
  • Sobel, Eli (2018) J-Pod Vocal Repertoire from 1980 to the Present.
  • Post-Leon, Annapurna (2018) Intraspecific Variation of Drought Response in Pseudotsuga macrocarpa.
  • Slein, Maggie (2020) Environmental variability across different scales of biological organization.
  • Bentley, Alex (2021) Effects of drought and burn intensity on Picea engelmannii physiology.